Director, Lincoln Laboratory

About the position
Lincoln Laboratory is a mission-oriented, multidisciplinary laboratory operated by MIT for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). As MIT's largest facility, with a diverse workforce of more than 4,450 employees, including subcontractors, Lincoln Laboratory focuses on research and development in sensors, high-performance computing and information extraction, communications, homeland defense, and advanced electronics. This research supports the DoD, including the three military services, and other government agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and NASA. As a federally funded research and development center, Lincoln Laboratory maintains a long-term relationship with the federal government—adhering to DoD guidelines—and also collaborates with industry in cooperative research to commercialize new technology.
The director is the chief executive and reports to MIT's vice president for research, with a secondary reporting relationship to the provost. She is responsible for ensuring compliance with policy and the approved programs of the DoD Joint Advisory Committee for management oversight. She represents Lincoln Laboratory with DoD, serves on national defense studies, and establishes strategic planning priorities for the laboratory.
Within the laboratory, the director chairs the steering committee responsible for coordinating policies and the management of resources. Heads of nine divisions, six departments, and director's office staff report to her. The director shares, with two assistant directors, oversight of the execution of technical programs, sponsor relationships, and administration.