Seeking candidates: associate provost for faculty advancement
Dear colleagues,
I write to let you know that we’re opening an internal search to fill an important faculty role: associate provost for faculty advancement.
Professor Tim Jamison finished his term in the role last summer. Building on Tim’s excellent work and the strong foundation of the Office of Faculty Programs, the associate provost will provide the intellectual leadership to develop an expanded suite of services and guidance to support your work going forward. The associate provost will assess and promote new and existing ways that MIT can help faculty thrive as researchers and teachers, build the skills to feel confident and effective in leadership roles, and foster a welcoming professional climate in units across the Institute.
The role will also include sharing and promoting best practices related to hiring, mentoring, tenure, promotion, re-appointment, and review. In addition, the associate provost will work closely with the institute community and equity officer (ICEO) on a range of community and culture efforts, from free expression to the Strategic Action Plan for Belonging, Achievement, and Composition.
Proposing candidates
If you’d like to be considered for the position or want to propose a colleague, I encourage you to submit your suggestions confidentially at To make sure the search is informed by a variety of experiences, perspectives, and priorities, I will appoint an advisory faculty group to help me review the candidates’ qualifications. While the search proceeds, Professor Dan Hastings has kindly agreed to take on the responsibilities of this position on an interim basis.