Vice President for Information Systems and Technology

To be determined

About the position

The vice president for information systems and technology (IS&T) leads the IS&T organization of more than 250 professionals who manage the information technology (IT) systems, applications, and infrastructure that support MIT’s research and academic enterprise. The vice president sets the overall vision for the Institute’s digital landscape in support of its research and education mission and, as co-chair of the Information Technology Governance Committee, oversees the development of information technology policy and strategy. He is responsible for ensuring that the Institute’s IT environment can meet the requirements of an increasingly complex environment while protecting its integrity and security from escalating cybersecurity threats.

The vice president also supports MIT’s computational research efforts, partnering with the Office for Research Computing and Data (ORCD). He works closely with the associate provost and associate vice president for research to provide shared leadership for ORCD’s executive director.

The vice president represents IS&T and MIT to external parties and to the broader higher education IT community, lending expertise and sharing learning to help others fully capitalize on technological advances.

Committees on which the vice president for information systems and technology serves

Committees chaired by the vice president for information systems and technology