ODGE Brief: Graduate Community News

June 13, 2011
Christine Ortiz, Dean for Graduate Education, 2010–2016 |

Dear graduate students,

I hope you had a wonderful academic semester and are looking forward to the summer! I have very much enjoyed meeting many of you this past year at the Grad Gala, the MIT150 events, on Institute Committees, through the GSC, at commencement, as well as over many lunches and dinners. I never cease to be amazed by the talent, thoughtfulness, enthusiasm and incredible research accomplishments of graduate students at MIT. This past year, we initiated a graduate news and video website, some of which is summarized below. Send your news, awards and honors to gradnews@mit.edu!

Quick Links:

Graduate student accomplishments: Dean's list

  • Daniel E. Wagner and Irving Wang (Biology) uncover the source of the remarkable regenerative abilities of planarians (published in Science)
  • Jason Chang (EECS) develops an algorithm for identifying the boundaries of objects in digital images (published in IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)
  • Xiangnan Dang and Hyunjung Yi (DMSE) use genetically modified viruses to improve solar-cell efficiency (published in Nature Nanotechnology)
  • Ariel Sommer (Physics) investigates clouds of gases to help physicists model high-temperature superconductors (published in Nature)
  • Sergio Araya (Architecture) gives a series of presentations in Chile at Tech Visions on design practices and education
  • Emily Ruppel (Writing & Humanistic Studies) authors an article on “Rocket surgery: How an MIT engineer helped revolutionize prosthetics” in Scope
  • Marnix Hollander (LGO) and Chunguang Charlotte Wang (SDM) are part of a team that won the grand prize at the 2011 Berkeley-Stanford Cleantech (BSC) Launchpad
  • Charles Frogner (BCS), Dina Adel Faddah (Biology), and James Ankrum (HST) earn a place at the 61st Annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany
  • Clarice Aiello (NSE) wins Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future fellowship
  • Taylor Barton (EECS) honored with the Goodwin medal for outstanding teaching; Ulric Ferner (Aero/Astro) received the Willian L. Stewart, Jr. Award; and Yoda Patta (MSE) and Shan Wu (BE) received Karl Taylor Compton Prizes at the Institute Awards Convocation.

With graduate students, for graduate students

  • Graduate student professional development: ODGE to hire new advising dean
  • Submit comments to the Walker Memorial Assessment Team
  • Dean Ortiz holds open summer office hours
  • The Grad Admissions Task Force completes its work; comment period through June 24
  • Going green: ISO completes conversion to paperless system
  • Congratulations to the new 2011-2012 GSC Officers!

Building community and diversity

  • Grad students gather for the MIT Toast to Tech celebration
  • MIT for Two: one graduate student mother earned two degrees this June
  • Diversity: MIT welcomes 40 ambitious undergraduate summer interns in the MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP)
  • See photos from last month's Museum Soiree with 300 grad students
  • Common Threads: the Evolving Student Experience at MIT (video)
  • Student-led community initiatives: Graduate Student Life Grant Awards for 2011
  • New Chancellor dines and dialogues with graduate students
  • Jeanty International Teas at the International Students Office

Get involved

  • Help the GSC improve grad student life, work, and play
  • Serve the grad community-- and earn a stipend
  • Develop your own proposal for building grad community

I wish you a wonderful summer and I hope to see you at my summer office hours. Please don't hesitate to contact me directly anytime at cortiz@mit.edu on any topics related to graduate students and graduate education.


Christine Ortiz
Dean for Graduate Education
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering