Faculty Gender Equity Committees

June 13, 2019
Martin A. Schmidt, Provost, 2014–2022 |

Dear Colleagues,

I write to you to inform you that we now have a Faculty Gender Equity Committee within each school. The charge of these committees is to report annually on the status and experience of women faculty in their respective schools, specifically regarding equitable treatment in promotions, compensation, support, duties, and other aspects of faculty life. The committees will include both men and women.

The committees have begun activities within their schools, including reaching out to faculty members to learn about different faculty experiences.

In addition, the chairs of the Gender Equity Committees across all five schools will constitute the standing Gender Equity Chairs Committee that will coordinate and communicate across schools to share knowledge and ensure that practices are consistent across the Institute. The current chairs of the schools’ Gender Equity Committees are below:

School of Architecture and Planning
Amy Glasmeier
George Stiny

School of Engineering
Douglas Hart
Colette Heald

School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Deborah Fitzgerald
Agustin Rayo
Kathleen Thelen*

Sloan School of Management
Paul Asquith
Wanda Orlikowski

School of Science
Gigliola Staffilani
Pawan Sinha

I appreciate this valuable resource to assist with raising concerns and opportunities to senior administration.


Martin A. Schmidt

* As of July 1, 2019. Current committee chairs can be found at each school's link.