Celebrate One Sustainable World on May 12
Last year, we celebrated the vibrancy and cultural diversity of MIT during the One World @ MIT Festival and dance party event. The feedback we received was very positive: faculty, students, and staff value coming together to celebrate new ideas and our community’s collective values, all while having an enormous amount of fun.
This spring, we’re thrilled to gather everyone once again for an exciting new spin on the theme: One Sustainable World, a campus-wide evening event filled with music, food, and dance, all in the spirit of making a lasting impact on the world through our shared commitment to sustainability.
Please mark your calendars for the evening of Saturday, May 12, and watch for additional information at the end of April. We look forward to another night of infinite fun!
Cynthia Barnhart
Raúl Radovitzky
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Chair, OneWorld @ MIT Planning Committee
John Fernández
Director, MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative
Professor of Building Technology