Vice President for Finance

About the position
The Office of the Vice President for Finance (VPF) provides critical financial and administrative services in the areas of financing strategy, financial and capital planning, annual budgeting, receipt and disbursement of funds, accounting, procurement, and asset management.
VPF services include financial reporting and analysis, the provision of expert advice and policy recommendations, and assurance of compliance with financial rules and regulations.
The office is committed to delivering the highest quality service to MIT's faculty, staff, and students with an emphasis on smooth systems, streamlined processes, and clear policies. It is also committed to an open communication policy and welcomes comments and suggestions as to how it can better serve the needs of the community.
Committees on which the vice president for finance serves
- Academic Council
- Budget and Finance Steering Group
- Committee for Renovation and Space Planning
- Employee Benefits Oversight Committee
- Enrollment Management Group
- Gift Policy Committee
- MIT Press Management Board
- Supplemental 401(k) Oversight Committee