Under Pressure: A Forum on Student Stress
Dear Students:
In my daily interactions with all corners of the Institute, I often hear students express feelings of being overwhelmed. The challenges of living and learning at MIT push us to excel, but can also leave us feeling insecure and lonely. Last semester, Lydia K's blog post "Meltdown" on the Admissions website, and The Tech's December 7 issue "Under Pressure" helped to broaden the conversation and give students the opportunity to share their own perspectives.
In collaboration with The Tech, I am pleased to invite you to attend "Under Pressure: A Forum on Student Stress." We hope to build on the momentum created by Lydia K and The Tech by sharing information about resources on campus and encouraging students to engage one another and the administration in action-oriented dialog.
The event is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, February 12 (5:00 to 8:00 pm) in Room 10-250.
Please RSVP to underpressure@mit.edu. We hope you will join us to share your thoughts about this important issue.
Eric Grimson
Bernard Gordon Professor of Medical Engineering, EECS, MIT