Save the date: Symposium to celebrate the legacy of Mildred Dresselhaus
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The Legacy of Mildred Dresselhaus
Celebrating the Queen of Carbon Science
It is a great honor to invite you to campus on Sunday, November 26, 2017 as we celebrate the extraordinary life and work of Institute Professor Mildred Dresselhaus.
Researchers, collaborators, friends, and family will convene in Cambridge for an exploration of Millie’s contributions to science and society. From her early years through nanomaterials in thermoelectrics, carbon, and her leadership in improving the climate for women in STEM, we’ll examine all aspects of Millie’s service to the global science community.
We hope you will be able to gather with us for a joyful afternoon of looking back on our beloved Millie’s contributions—and looking forward through her legacy at the future of science.
Martin A. Schmidt
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Symposium 1:30–5:00 pm, Huntington Hall (MIT Room 10-250)
Posters and Reception 5:00-7:30 pm, Lobby 13
Program, registration, and accommodations information available at
Please register by November 19, 2017.