Policy Reminders and Tomorrow's Booster Deadline (for undergraduate students)

January 13, 2022
Suzy M. Nelson, Vice Chancellor and Dean for Student Life, 2021–2024 |

TL;DR: Reminders and clarifications about UG student policies responding to Omicron; COVID-19 booster deadline is tomorrow, January 14; Pre-arrival testing and quiet period required of all returning undergraduate residents; Food/drink prohibited at events with limited exceptions; No non-MIT overnight guests in Institute housing. 

Dear Undergraduate Student,

In alignment with the Institute's response to the Omicron variant, we write to share reminders and clarifications to the posted COVID-19 undergraduate student policies, which are also highlighted within this brief one-pager

  • Proof of COVID-19 Booster Due Tomorrow: The Institute requires that MIT community members get a COVID booster shot and upload proof no later than tomorrow, January 14, 2022. Students who do not submit documentation of their completed booster shot by the deadline as required will lose building access (except for their residence hall) and their registration for IAP/spring term classes will be put on hold. View the full policy

    If you do not have access to booster vaccines where you currently reside, please email vaccine-requirement@mit.edu immediately for assistance. Find a booster clinic in Massachusetts close to you at https://vaxfinder.mass.gov/.

  • Pre-arrival Testing for Undergraduate Students: All undergraduate students who live in an MIT residence hall or FSILG who have not tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 90 days are required to test before returning to campus for either IAP or the spring semester. Please follow MIT Medical’s instructions emailed to you from medical@mit.edu. As a reminder, if you test positive on your pre-arrival test, do not come to campus. You must complete your five-day isolation period from your off-campus location. Additionally, MIT Medical strongly recommends that you return to campus only after completing the five days following your isolation when you need to wear a face-covering around other people at all times. View the full policy.

  • “Quiet Period” for Undergraduate Students Who Return to Campus: During the quiet period, you may still attend MIT-managed academic programs (such as classes and labs) and take care of other essential needs like getting food or cooking for yourself, getting packages or deliveries from your residence’s designated drop-off spot, and exercising. Make sure to wear a high-quality, well-fitted face covering at all times when outside your room while waiting for two negative on-campus test results (one upon arrival to campus and one 3-4 days later). Undergraduate students should avoid in-person student meetings, events, and gatherings during the quiet period. See #4 in this email from December 27 for more.

A Note on Masks: Suitable masks are available at test drop-off locations, at front desks in residence halls, or from FSILG student leadership teams. Keep in mind that mask supplies tend to be depleted quickly, so please take only what you need.

  • Food/Drink at Events is Prohibited (With Limited Exceptions): Food and drinks, including grab and go, are not permitted at events in residence halls, FSILGs or for student organizations. Limited exceptions include house-sponsored events of 10 or fewer persons that are coordinated by house teams, GRAs, or house executive board members (e.g., a study break). View the full policy.

  • Non-MIT Overnight Guests in Institute Housing Prohibited: The policy on guests remains in effect. However, guests from outside MIT cannot stay overnight in undergraduate residence halls or FSILGs until further notice.

  • Isolating in Place: Students in campus housing or an FSILG who test positive and who don’t require hospitalization or who are not immunocompromised will be asked to isolate in their rooms for the duration of their isolation period. Alternatively, if you have reasonable and supportive off-campus accommodations available to you in the region, we ask that you move there for your isolation period.

We continue to monitor rapidly unfolding pandemic conditions and will adapt student policies as necessary going forward. Please watch for additional updates.


Suzy Nelson
Vice Chancellor and Dean for Student Life

P.S. If you have any questions about the Institute’s updated isolation protocols and resources, please visit this helpful resource or email the following: