ODGE Faculty Advisory Board (ODGE-FAC)

May 11, 2011
Christine Ortiz, Dean for Graduate Education, 2010–2016 |

The Dean for Graduate Education has assembled a Faculty Advisory Board (ODGE-FAC) with the charge and membership detailed below.


The Office of the Dean for Graduate Education Faculty Advisory Board (ODGE-FAC) advises the ODGE on topics relevant to graduate education and the graduate student experience on campus including, but not limited to:

  • supporting graduate programs,
  • stimulating educational innovation,
  • facilitating graduate global educational experiences and international exchange,
  • graduate student personal and professional development,
  • personal support,
  • community,
  • diversity,
  • academic integrity,
  • graduate admissions,
  • alumni interactions, and
  • graduate finances and fund-raising.

The ODGE faculty advisory board will review, discuss and provide input on ODGE programs, activities, strategic plans, business processes and also provide suggestions for how to strengthen interactions with graduate programs, schools, labs and centers. The faculty advisory board will serve as a critical resource to ODGE.


  • Lotte Bailyn (Professor of Management, T. Wilson (1953) Professor of Management, emerita)
  • Edmund Bertschinger (Professor and Department Head, Physics)
  • Christopher Capozzola (History; Associate Dean of Education, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences)
  • Leslie A. Kolodziejski (Professor and Graduate Officer, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
  • Karen R. Polenske (Peter de Florez Professor of Regional Political Economy, Department of Urban Studies and Planning)
  • Lawrence Sass (Graduate Chair and Associate Professor, Architecture)
  • Christopher A. Schuh (Head, Mechanical Science and Engineering; Danae and Vasilios Salapatas Professor of Metallurgy)
  • Hazel L. Sive (Professor of Biology; Associate Dean of the School of Science)
  • Alexander J. Evans (Graduate Student Representative; Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences)
  • Jessica Landry: Assistant to the Dean for Graduate Education, Staff to Committee