Nominate: MIT Excellence Awards and Collier Medal

October 27, 2020
Ramona Allen, Vice President for Human Resources |

To the members of the MIT community,

This year, perhaps more than any other in decades, has created unprecedented challenges for the entire MIT community. Many staff members are balancing working remotely with personal commitments, such as caring for children or other family members and supporting friends and loved ones affected by Covid-19. Those of you working on campus and onsite at Lincoln Laboratory are managing new complexities such as Covid testing schedules along with workloads that have changed and often increased.

With these challenges in mind, I look forward more than ever to highlighting and celebrating the achievements of our MIT community. All of you have taken on additional burdens to support MIT’s research and academic mission—and you have exceeded expectations again and again.

Please consider those colleagues who have gone above and beyond in extraordinary ways, and nominate them for the 2021 MIT Excellence Awards + Collier Medal. Nominations for the Excellence Awards, the highest honors for Institute staff, can be for teams or individual colleagues, and any member of the MIT community is eligible for the Collier Medal. Background about the awards, including awards criteria, is available on the Human Resources website. The nomination deadline is Monday, December 7, 2020.

In a time when recognition has risen to a new level of importance, we will also be marking the 20th anniversary of the MIT Excellence Awards. I hope that part of the celebration will include a record number of nominations representing all areas of the Institute.

If you have questions, please contact Cori Champagne, MIT Recognition Program Administrator, at


Ramona Allen
Vice President for Human Resources