New Reporting Process for Work Conducted in India

July 18, 2024
Katie Hammer, Vice President for Finance |

Dear Colleagues,

I write to share a new process for MIT employees conducting Institute business in India. MIT annually files taxes in India and has experienced a significant increase in tax compliance requirements in recent years. To ensure we can continue the Institute’s vital work and research in India in a tax-compliant and efficient manner, we’re announcing a new process for anyone working in India on behalf of MIT. If we do not take action, we risk subjecting departments, labs, centers, and institutes (DLCIs) that engage in India to much higher tax rates on a larger base of income.

Effective this month, any employee who will be working for MIT in India – including remote work, conferences, and research – will need to notify VPF at least 30 days in advance of travel by completing this pre-travel form.

VPF will provide support to travelers and DLCI staff to facilitate activities in India while minimizing both the tax impact and the administrative burden.

To help explain the new reporting process, we’ve prepared this website. We’ll also be offering three virtual information sessions to provide more details on this process:

If you have any questions before these sessions, please contact Director of Tax and Global Operations Jodi Kessler.

Thank you,

Katie Hammer
Vice President for Finance