New minimum salary/stipend, effective January 1, 2023

November 2, 2022
Cynthia Barnhart, Provost | Glen Shor, Executive Vice President and Treasurer | Maria T. Zuber, Vice President for Research, 2013–2024 |

Dear MIT Postdoctoral Scholars,

We write to share some good news: Effective January 1, 2023, MIT will raise the Institute-wide mandatory minimum salary/stipend levels for postdoctoral scholars to $65,000 per year. The new minimum salary/stipend will apply to all postdocs, replacing the minimum amounts based on postdocs’ years of experience since receiving their doctoral degree.

The Institute is enacting this new minimum salary because we recognize the indispensable contributions you make every day at MIT – advancing knowledge, driving innovation, and enriching our community.

We have also heard from many of you about the high cost of living in the Greater Boston area, and that financial pressures create stress in your daily lives. We hope this news will help ease those financial pressures and will demonstrate that the Institute values your important work.

We would like to thank the MIT Postdoctoral Association for its leadership on behalf of MIT’s postdoctoral scholars and the Faculty Postdoctoral Advisory Committee for its engagement on this issue.

If you have any questions, please feel free to write to

Thank you for the terrific work you do.


Cynthia Barnhart, Provost

Glen Shor, Executive Vice President and Treasurer

Maria T. Zuber, Vice President for Research