Let’s team up to make a difference in our neighborhood

Dear fellow faculty,
Although it is not always immediately apparent, our Cambridge neighbors are struggling. According to the most recent statistics, approximately 30% of female-headed families in Cambridge fall under the poverty line, and most of the children in these families suffer from food insecurity. Fortunately, you can help with this and other pressing challenges.
Too busy to figure out which charitable organizations to support? The MIT Community Service Fund (CSF) is here to help you help others. The CSF was created by MIT faculty and is managed by faculty and staff to support the hungry, the unhoused, the elderly, and youth in Cambridge and Greater Boston.
The CSF provides funding to empower MIT volunteers and to support local nonprofits where they serve.
Our goal is to double faculty participation. The recommended monthly donation is $50.00. Your faculty peers, fellow staff colleagues, and undergraduate and graduate students will make sure that 100% of your donation goes straight to those in need.
With just a few clicks, you can give directly from your paycheck via Atlas on the Charitable Contributions page. If you become a sustaining payroll donor, you will have the peace of mind that you are doing your part every year. You can also donate by credit card on the Giving to MIT website.
Let’s team up to make a difference!
With gratitude,
Paula T. Hammond
Vice Provost for Faculty
Institute Professor