July 23 forum for Task Force 2021 and Beyond

July 17, 2020
Chair of the Faculty, 2019–2021 | Sanjay Sarma, Vice President for Open Learning, 2016–2022 |

To the members of the MIT community,

As a follow-up to our July 13 email regarding Task Force 2021 and Beyond, we write to invite you to a virtual community forum for students, staff, postdocs, and faculty. We, President Reif, and co-chairs of the task force workstreams will present a brief overview of the task force’s efforts, and attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide input.

MIT Task Force 2021 and Beyond community forum
Thursday, July 23
3:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern time

To join the webinar for phone access and American Sign Language interpretation: https://mit.zoom.us/j/98314768457

For iPhone one-tap:
US: +16465588656,,98314768457# or +16699006833,,98314768457#

For telephone, dial a number based on your current location for higher quality:
US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833

International numbers available: https://mit.zoom.us/u/ace4iqya7V

Webinar ID: 983 1476 8457

If you have questions you would like addressed at the forum, please submit them ahead of time via the webcast website. Furthermore, we encourage you to also submit ideas via the task force idea bank.

We look forward to the discussion on July 23.


Rick Danheiser, Chair of the Faculty
Sanjay Sarma, Vice President for Open Learning
Co-chairs, MIT Task Force 2021 and Beyond