Arts, Culture and DEI at MIT: Please submit your suggestions and projects
To the members of the MIT community,
We write to update you on the Ad Hoc Committee on Arts, Culture, and DEI, appointed by the provost, and to seek your input. Our goal is to activate the arts and humanities in MIT’s ongoing commitment to establishing a strong culture of racial equity and inclusion.
You can find the committee’s charge and members on our website; we encourage you to submit ideas and suggestions to, or through this form.
Please also use the form to tell us about specific MIT artistic and cultural projects that speak to racial equity, social justice, or both; that explore or celebrate the diversity of our community; or that amplify work by artists who are Black, Indigenous, or people of color. These projects may be ongoing, under development, or proposals for the future. They may be initiated by MIT faculty, students, or staff, can be curricular or extracurricular, and can be presented in any artistic platform or genre.
We look forward to hearing from you and to finding new possibilities for artistic and cultural contributions to racial equity at MIT.
John H. Dozier, Institute Community and Equity Officer
Philip S. Khoury, Associate Provost