Executive Vice President and Treasurer

Glen Shor was appointed executive vice president and treasurer (EVPT) in October 2020. In this role, he is the chief steward of MIT’s $34 billion in net financial assets and over $5 billion in operating revenues, responsible for financial strategy development, operations and capital budget planning, debt issuance, and maintenance of the integrity of financial information for the Institute. He also leads the administrative functions at MIT, including central units focused on finance; human resources; information systems and technology; campus services and stewardship, security and safety; and campus medical care.
Shor joined MIT in January 2015 as vice president for finance. In that role, he led efforts to bolster MIT’s financial resilience, advancing strategic initiatives while still conserving endowment, building central reserves, and proactively planning for budget stresses. He also launched several key initiatives to strengthen compliance and modernize administrative systems and processes for the MIT community.
Shor assumed the responsibilities of EVPT early in the Covid-19 pandemic. He carefully tapped the fiscal resilience he helped cultivate in his prior role to meet unprecedented needs on the part of the MIT community, playing a leadership role in sustaining safe campus operations and research and educational activities during a global public health emergency. Following the unusually strong performance of the Institute’s endowment in fiscal year 2021, Shor has overseen new investments in strengthening the Institute’s research enterprise and enhancing its physical and digital infrastructure. He also leads teams focused on achieving groundbreaking reductions in MIT’s carbon emissions.
Prior to his work at MIT, Shor served for two years as secretary of administration and finance for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts under former Governor Deval Patrick, overseeing the state's operating and capital budgets and its agencies charged with tax collection, information technology services, facilities management, procurement, and human resources. Prior to that he was the executive director of the Massachusetts Health Connector, overseeing the programs, operations, and staff of the commonwealth’s public health insurance exchange. He also held roles as senior policy counsel and assistant attorney general in the Office of the Attorney General of Massachusetts, a senior policy aide to former US Representative Martin T. Meehan, chief counsel to US Senator Charles E. Schumer, and a public interest attorney who participated in the McConnell v. FEC campaign finance case before the US Supreme Court.
Shor holds a BA in history from Yale University, awarded in 1993, and a JD from Harvard Law School, awarded in 1996.