Presidential search: Share your input

June 14, 2022
Ramona Allen, Vice President for Human Resources | Maria T. Zuber, Vice President for Research, 2013–2024 |

Dear Colleagues,

The search for a new MIT president is a highly consequential process for the Institute – and one that does not happen frequently. To ensure that all members of the community have the opportunity to share their perspectives with the presidential search committee, we are pleased to announce several engagement sessions for staff to be held later this month.

These online sessions are intended to be a place for staff members in all roles – service, support, administrative, research, academic, and postdocs – to provide ideas and input on the ideal attributes a new president should possess; the challenges and opportunities a new president will face in the decade ahead; and other related topics. Five sessions are scheduled and more will be added as needed. You may register here; if your preferred date and time is full, please sign up for the waitlist and we will reach out with additional sessions as they are added.

  • Tuesday, June 21, 1:00pm
  • Friday, June 24, 10:00am
  • Friday, June 24, 12:00pm
  • Monday, June 27, 1:00pm
  • Wednesday, June 29, 3:00pm

Each session will have a context-setting welcome by Deborah Liverman (staff representative on the search committee), followed by conversation focused on specific questions, in small, randomly assigned breakout groups. The input provided will be shared with the search committee. Participants will not be identified in this summary.

There are two additional ways for you to provide input:

We hope that many of you will consider joining a session or providing input through one of these other channels, and we look forward to hearing from you.


Ramona Allen
Vice President for Human Resources

Maria T. Zuber
Vice President for Research